Welcome To NTPA

Welcome To NTPA

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Welcome To NTPA

The Northern Territory Principals’ Association (NTPA) is a professional body that represents the interests of Principals, Assistant and Teaching Principals and leaders from across the NT. We work collegially and collaboratively to promote leadership and learning to create better outcomes for all students in our schools and communities, regardless of geography and socio-economic circumstances. We understand that when Principal leadership is strong, schools can thrive.



Our Mission

Our Vision

  • Support all school leaders in the NT through advocacy, partnerships, connection and professional growth.
  • Have a strong, collective and influential voice to advocate for educational leaders.
  • Commit to creating a healthy and thriving culture which supports and empowers school leaders.
  • Build collective capacity of our current and future school leaders through support, connection and professional learning.
  • Advocate for equity and excellence for all learners.

NTPA is dedicated to developing and empowering exceptional leaders who champion equity and excellence in education throughout the NT.

We will continue to learn and grow as we enhance our diversity, build our resilience, and excel in our fields.  I look forward to working with and advocating for our outstanding Territory principals.

We look forward to continuing to have a strong voice and be influential advocates for educational leaders across the NT.

Example Testimonial

Top-notch educational resources

Example Testimonial

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