Member Benefits


Strong membership is critical to the credibility of NTPA - strong in numbers, strong in voice and resolve.


Building collegiality

Concerns raised by NTPA members move the Association forward to guide good practice and develop initiatives to assist School Leaders in their role within the Northern Territory.


Meet, collaborate and work with other educational leaders around the Territory through the development of Chapters, School Visits, special interest groups, sub-committees, Working Parties and new Principal Mentor Program.

Professional Learning

Membership gives you access to professional learning opportunities through workshops and sponsored attendance at conferences, discounted rates for Professional Learning Workshops and Seminars.

It also gives you access to resources including the Association’s library of books, DVDs and board games, and resources from the national Dare to Lead program.

A Voice

Through the development of critical position papers and by further enhanced accessibility to DET at the highest Levels and the Office of the Minister for Education NTPA advocates on behalf of members making recommendations to guide the way forward for Northern Territory Education.

A chance to make a contribution through:

  • Nomination and election to the
    Executive Committee
  • Voting rights at Annual and Special
    General Meetings
  • Regular Chapter Meetings
  • SponsoredConferenceattendance and the opportunity to share your learning with other principals
  • Publications, communications and other benefits at the Executive Committee may determine from time to time.

Dissemination of Information

Access to information, via the Association newsletter (8 per year); regular emails providing members with readings  and resources from a broad spectrum of educators and up to date school leadership information, research and ‘hot topics’ at regional, NT national and international levels; regular feedback on issues from local Chapter meetings and activities.


Advocacy for members - In times of crisis, members are supported with guarantees of complete confidentiality.

Advocacy for children - A strong, unified voice to influence government reform and education policy at all stages of schooling.


Recognition of outstanding contributions by members though Service and Life Membership Awards.